Saturday, November 21, 2009

I am so thankful for my family...

I am so thankful to live so close to my family! This morning before my parents left for the UGA game my mom called and asked if she could watch Tyler while Chad and I went to get some lunch. So we took her up on the offer and went and ate lunch and went to the grocery store. Now my two favorite boys are taking a nap and I have been getting some things done around the house. I just love the weekends when Chad is home all day!

Tyler had a better night last night. He had a hard time going to sleep so finally about 10 I put him in the Baby Bjorn carrier and walked him around and he fell right asleep. I sat down for a little bit to hold him before I put him to bed and I feel asleep..haha! He didn't wake up until 3:15!! 5 HOURS OF SLEEP!!!!! It is amazing what 3 extra hours will do for a tired momma! So I fed and changed him and he went straight back to sleep.

We were planning on staying home the rest of the day but I need to take some things back to Hobby Lobby. We will definitely be home by 7:45 to cheer on our DAWGS!! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Monday, November 16, 2009

October 5, 2009...and two weeks before. Part 1

I had been having contractions on and off for two weeks prior to Tyler being born. I went to the doctor September 24 (36 weeks) and my midwife checked me for the first time. I was 1 cm dilated, 70% effaced and -1 station. I was surprised but figured lots of women stay dilated for a few weeks with no change and since it was my first I would at least go until my due date (October 22, 2009). I ended up at L&D early the next morning with awful back pains that were 3-5 minutes apart. I was informed it was back labor...NOT FUN. There was no change so they sent me home. That was the worst feeling ever. I felt like all the pain I had gone through ALL NIGHT LONG was for nothing. I continued to have back pains on and off, mostly at night, for the rest of the week until my next appointment. It was October 1, 2009 and I couldn't hardly sit in the waiting room at the doctors office I was having such bad back pain. I finally got called back to a room and after all the normal routine stuff my midwife checked me again and I was 4 cm, 100% effaced, and -1 station. I was SHOCKED! At least I felt like my pain had paid off this time. She told me she thought we would have a baby by the weekend. I was so excited but didn't want to get my hopes up since my due date was still 3 weeks away. On my way home my back pains started to get consistent and strong. When I got home I could hardly take our little Maltese outside I was hurting so bad. My mom came home from work since my husband had just went to work after my appointment that morning. She was timing my contractions and they got to 4 minutes apart. I called my midwife and she told me to come on into the hospital since we lived an hour away. We got there and they checked my and I was 4 and a half cm. They told me to go walk for an hour and come back. When I got back I was 5 but my contractions were not consistent enough to keep me. I was SO upset and in major pain. Throughout the weekend I couldn't get comfy and was having those awful back pains. I was up all night long Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday night. Well 5:00 AM rolled around Monday morning and I stood up off the couch and my water broke. I figured I had time to get a shower and get ready to go. Well my husband wouldn't have that..we had to leave RIGHT THEN. So we loaded up the car and headed for the hospital for the third time. My contractions picked up on the way there. When I got there I could barely make it to the desk. They finally put me in a room since my water had broken and the lady started to check me. When she checked my I knew something was up. Then she said, "let me check again..."....I will never forget the words that came next. "Honey, You are 9 cm and ready to go...we need a doctor". WHAT!!! This is my first time...It is supposed to take forever...Can I get an epidural?...My mom isn't even here yet...Everything was a blur after that...

L&D Room 2009
They didn't have time to put my name on the door..

My contractons and Tyler's heartrate

Sunday, November 15, 2009

My First Blog

This is my first blog so bare with me...My name is Lauren and I am just going to share a little about us. I am happily married to the greatest guy in the world, Chad.

May 19, 2007

I could not make it day to day without him. I am a stay at home mom to our son Tyler. He was born October 5, 2009. That day was full of so many emotions. (I will share more about that in another post) Tyler has a lot going on with him right now. We are still praying and believing for a miracle in his little body. God is no different now than when we were praising him for the miracle he was doing in my womb, anxiously awaiting his arrival in October. He is scheduled to have another surgery in January 2010. My family has been so helpful and supportive throughout the whole process. I don't know what I would have done without them. There is no way I could ever repay them for everything they have done. We would appreciate your prayers. I look forward to sharing our journey with everyone.