Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sunshine, Swings, and Sleep

Yesterday was a little better day. Tyler was still fussy but as long as I kept him entertained he was somewhat happy. He let me get a couple good pictures of him.

We went on a walk outside and he sat facing forward in his stroller for the first time. This was only the second time we have gone on a walk because when we came home from the hospital the middle of October it was starting to get cold and I didn't want to take a chance on him getting sick with all of his other problems. So yesterday we decided it was warm enough to go. It felt so good to get out of the house and get some sunshine! My Grandmother came over to see Tyler while we were outside so we came back in to visit with her. Tyler started to get sleepy and fussy so I decided I would try his swing out again. Usually he HATES it and screams when he is in it. He actually liked it this time and stayed in it for a good 10-15 minutes. I was SO happy.
After my Grandmother left my other Grandmother came by and Tyler was melting down, FAST! So after they left I fed Tyler. Our sleeping arrangements are not very good. Tyler has to be held ALL night in order for him to sleep. I KNOW it is not good for him or anyone else but when you have a sick baby you will do anything to comfort them. Last night he wouldn't go to sleep with me rocking him so I decided I would lay him down in his bassinet. He actually went to sleep after about 10 minutes and slept there for 10 hours. I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT!!! I actually woke him up at 10:30 this morning to eat.
Hopefully after his good nights sleep last night he will be a happy baby today! Chad is home with us and I am so excited about that. As his surgery date is getting close I am getting anxious. Please pray for me to be calm and not worry so much. I know God is in control of this situation and that He already knows how it will turn out. I keep repeating Eph. 3:20 "God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine". I loved that verse during my miscarriage and through out my pregnancy with Tyler when we first found out about his kidneys. How do people make it without the Lord?
Well I am going to go and enjoy the day with my two favorite boys! Hope everyone has a great weekend.

1 comment:

Lori T said...

Hi Lauren, thanks for leaving a comment on my blog.

Your son is so so cute. I hate that he's hurting and having surgeries. I hate that for you, too! But as you said, God is our great comfort and help. I pray y'all will be blessed through this time of trial.

Lori T @